Creative Writing Exercise

I call this a creative writing exercise because I firmly believe anything expressed from within is creative. We each have an individual source of inner creativity that is uniquely our own. Writing is a great way of connecting to that inner creative healing energy. So, are you ready? Grab a pen and a pad of paper. You're about to become a poet of rhythm. Here goes.

Open up your heart and let the feeling flow.
Release your pain; let it go.
Now sitting here with tears dripping on my big toe.
Oh what a HA, HA, JUST KIDDING, just a little something goofy to lighten things up a bit.

This creative writing exercise is not about becoming a poet of rhythm. It's a write to heal exercise. So, are you ready? For real this time.

Creative Writing Exercise

  • Take a few deep breaths
  • Close your eyes, relax, and clear your mind
  • Take yourself back to a situation that caused you pain,
    sorrow, guilt, feelings of failure, etc.
  • If you can, go back to childhood as this is generally where these feelings first began. Sometimes things later in life are due to repeat patterns and will naturally heal once you understand the childhood stuff.
  • Ok, now allow yourself to visualize what's going on.
  • allow yourself to feel the emotions.
  • Really feel them
  • No tears yet. Feel them some more.
  • Ok, ok now open your eyes.
  • Start writing down what you saw and felt throughout the experience.
  • Take a few more deep breaths.
  • Read what you've written back to yourself.
  • Ponder it for a moment.
  • Close your eyes again and think about the same situation this time using a different perspective. Can you find a positive as to why this happened to you? Was there something you were susposed to gain from it? Is there a lesson in it for you? Sometimes we have situations occur in our life as an opportunity for us to heal from an experience. If we do not take the opportunity or get the lesson, we may have a similar situation or repeat pattern occur. For instance, lets say you held a feeling of being undeserving or incapable of being loved from childhood. Later in life, you had a husband that continually cheated on you. Would this not also make you feel the same way. WHA LA, an opportunity to heal from that childhood experience. In a case like this, the lesson would be to realize you are deserving and are very loveable. When you can do that, the pattern stops, you heal, grow, and move on.
  • Now for the final part of this creative writing exercise, on the same sheet of paper, write down the positive perspective or lesson you've gained from this once painful past experience.
  • Read the entire writing back to yourself once more.

How do you feel? Do you feel any better about the situation? If so, say AHHHH that feels better.

At times uncomfortable feelings may be stirred. Don't get concerned. It is part of the healing process. With continued writing and practice searching for the positive in the situation, you can transform your emotions and experience healing and personal growth.

I sincerely hope this creative writing exercise was of some benefit to you. Please, keep writing, keep healing, and keep growing. Keep on Keeping on and take good care of your ding dang self. Ok? ok.

If you are interested in improving your writing skills, I would suggest you check out write 101.

This writing excercise may sound a little silly to you. But trust me, it isn't. I was going through some pretty serious life circustances such as finding out my children had been sexually abused, loosing a good paying job, and going through a divorce of a 21 year marriage, all around the same time frame. I was a complete emotional wreck. How did I heal? That's right my friends, through writing and other forms of creative expression.

This is percisely why I have the desire to share what I have gained in sincere hopes to help others heal and grow.

I later took my writings that came about through my healing process and had them published. I was absolutely shocked when the publishing company accepted my manuscript. It was just another indication to me that I needed to share my own healing journey with others.

I sincerely encourage anyone who has the desire to publish a book to write about your own challenges. Real life writing is extremely healing for the individual and is writing that others can relate to and therefore makes for a great book.

Have faith and trust in yourself and follow your hearts desires.

Enjoy your journey of self discovery.

Light & Love to all

May your day be filled with smiles and laughter.

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