The Big Picture of Photography

Photography & Healing

About a year ago, I purchased two digital cameras, one for my son and one for myself. I felt this would give us something we could get out and do together and possibly generate some parent-child bonding. To my surprise, expressing through photography generated much more than mere bonding. It created a deeper sense of connection between the two of us. But that was just the beginning. It became photography healing for both myself and my son.

Photography brings a deeper connection with nature, children, or whatever it is you are trying to capture. Nature images become healing images. When you're in the midst of capturing an image, you're forced to be with yourself in the moment which brings a sense of higher self awareness. You get to better know yourself. Photograhy helps reveal to yourself your personality. For instance, my son prefers taking photos of the city and the city lights. I prefer taking healing nature photos. My son will take a full shot of a group of flowers while I take a close up of the intricate parts of the inside of the flower. It reveals to you your likes and dis-likes, what makes you feel joyful and what makes you sad, and can bring forth healing emotions from past and present.

When you first begin your journey into photography, you choose the image you want to photograph but as you become more and more connected to yourself and your environment, the image begins to choose you. You no longer need the camera to capture the image because you've learned to visualize the beautiful images in your minds eye. The camera is now used only to take those photos that for one reason or another jump out at you-that choose you. You'll find at this point, the photos themselves take on a deeper meaning and feel they are meant to be shared. This experience is not only healing but very spiritual as well. You begin to feel your oneness with your surroundings. This my friends brings a sense of calm and peace into your life and encourages spiritual growth and development.

I have found photography to be beneficial in relieving stress and in building confidence, self esteem, and self acceptance. When we take photographs, we have the photo itself as a tangible reward for our efforts. When we look at our reward, we can see the beauty of ourselves within it as the photo reflects our personality. It tells a story as to who we are and where we are going.

Studies have shown photography to be benefical in healing chonic illness and disease as well. If you photograph something that makes you happy, it brings joy and peace into your life elevating your mood. This has a direct affect on the systems that run our bodys'.(boosts the immune system, affects chemical release in the body, etc.) If you are photographing something that disturbs you, it can help you release and heal trapped emotions which also has a positive affect on the body.

I believe everyone needs a means of self expression in order to remain happy and healthy. If you feel photography may be a source of expression for you but you do not yet have a camera. I would suggest visiting or Sony Image Station. They both have great cameras to choose from, good prices, and Sony is now offering a free "how to" in photography guide.

I would suggest going out and taking several photos of the same scene or image. Tell a story with your photographs. Go out in nature and take several photos of the same tree, same hill side, same bunch of flowers. Tell that story, express yourself, express who you are, and most importantly have fun with it, connect to your surroundings, and enjoy.

Show pride in your achievements in photography. Take one of your photos and have it put on a mug or calender or have it blown up into a poster.

Stand proud in showing off that poster or calender as your individual accomplishment. The BIG picture of photography is not in the photo itself, but in the healing, self awareness, and confidence it can bring to an individual. So, first and foremost, enjoy these benefits and have fun in your photography journey.

If you would like more information on photography and the history of photography, visit You will find tons of useful information there. Happy Reading.

If you feel you've gotten pretty good at photography and you would like to learn how to make it your career, there is a wonderful company called FabJob that is showing individuals how to turn there dreams into reality.

Click Here to Discover How to Become a Professional Photographer. FabJob has been seen on TV, in Newsweek, etc. They have helped tons of individuals turn there dream into a career. Check it out and see what you think. No harm in checking it out and who knows, it could develop into your dream come true.

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