Wake Up to The Beauty of Morning Glories
Morning Glories are also referred to as Bindweed. Some people believe them to be highly troublesome and do not want them in their garden.
I myself was one to yank them from the flower bed at first sign of them. However, a dear friend of mine took the time to carefully nuture them and direct their growth path. She directed them up and down a hand rail, up the side of a rock wall, etc. They were absolutely beautiful and an amazing site to see in the early morning.
This next photo is really nice. Notice the small rain drops lying atop the soft, delicate petals.

A Morning Glory Amungst the rocks. 
Another unique thing about Morning Glories is in their heart shaped leaves. This next picture shows an up close view of the leaves.

Moring Glories Making their way up a hand rail. The real life view is impressive.

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